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Aging in Place – Can you do it?

The social landscape of retirement is shifting. Baby boomers, those born between 1946 – 1964, are now reaching the age where retirement is on the horizon. Now, even more than the generation before, staying in the comfort of home instead of nursing home is important to seniors and their families. Here are a few things […]

National PACE Month 2023 – Where You Belong

National PACE (Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) Month is an annual celebration in the United States that takes place in the month of September. This month-long event aims to raise awareness about the PACE program and the important role it plays in enhancing the lives of elderly individuals. Senior LIFE is a provider of […]

Making Friends as a Senior – How to Develop Friendships as We Age

Making Friends As a Senior

When we were kids, making friends was easy! We would play together in the morning, and be best friends by the end of the day. As we age, making friends becomes more challenging, not to mention social distancing from the COVID Pandemic. Here are some tips to making friends as a senior. Maintaining Old Friendships […]

A Healthy Senior Diet? 5 Foods to Avoid

A Healthy Senior Diet and What to Avoid

By February, most people have given up on their New Year Resolutions, especially those that focus on losing weight or living a healthier lifestyle. Most resolutions fail because of ambitious life overhauls when you try to change too much too fast. February offers us the opportunity at a second chance to set some more realistic […]

Senior Care Costs and the LIFE Health And Wellness Centers

A major selling point for many seniors on the Senior LIFE Program is the LIFE Health and Wellness Center. Here our members are able to receive physical therapy in the Senior LIFE Gym. They can have a visit with their nurse and doctor when needed in the Senior LIFE Clinic. They can spend time socializing […]

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