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How to Manage Compound Caregiving

How to Manage Compound Caregiving

The number of COVID cases in nursing homes has been frightening and has pushed a lot of families to take on compound caregiving. Compound caregiving means providing care to two or more people at once.

Care to multiple generations has always been a struggle for families to manage, especially when trying to juggle work at the same time. The numbers since COVID are staggering. In 2020, 24% of caregivers were caring for multiple people, up from just 18% in 2015.  What is even more telling is that 89% of caregivers are caring for direct relatives.  Read on for some tips and tricks on how to manage compound caregiving.

Double duty and then some

Compound caregiving is more than just double the work load. The exhaustion and lack of time that comes from compound caregiving seems to ten-fold. One study, found that compound caregivers reported an average of 52 hours a week on caregiving duties. Not to mention the isolation, loneliness and increased workload put on other members of the family as well.

Tips and Tricks to Make it Easier

Asking for and accepting help may be one of the best solutions for caregivers to eliminate some burden they feel. Here are some other tips and tricks to consider.

  • Take Time for Yourself

It’s important to carve out time for yourself everyday doing something that you enjoy. You will find that this not only is enjoyable, but it also creates energy and peace for you.

  • Consider a respite

Finding temporary care for your loved one so that you can step away from duties for a few days may be exactly what you need to get back on your feet. You can also check with your employer, many employers will offer respite covered respite care as a benefit.

  • Outsource

Outsourcing some of your caregiving duties or every day chores may help lighten the caregiving load. Delegating tasks like household cleaning and grocery shopping can add much needed support to your everyday.

  • Find Resources

Sometimes just learning new caregiving skills and training can make your daily life as a caregiver easier. There are plenty of free resources that you can check out to help you every day. Try contacting local organizations in the industry like homecare providers, or programs like Senior LIFE.

Senior LIFE Can Help

Senior LIFE is a team-based model of care centered on the idea of providing healthcare outside of the hospital setting.  The Senior LIFE Interdisciplinary Team is made up of both professionals and paraprofessionals who take a comprehensive approach to care management: providers, homecare coordinators, transportation drivers, nurses, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, dietitians, recreational therapists, and others.

Our main goal at Senior LIFE is to keep seniors living at home for as long as possible. As a part of that goal, we offer caregiver support through education and homecare. We work together with the family and caregivers to meet the medical and social needs of seniors.

Senior LIFE is committed to lessening the burden felt by caregivers. There is even the option for Senior LIFE members to select their caregivers through the Paid Caregiver Program.

To learn more or to find out if you or a loved one are eligible for the LIFE Program, please contact us today (https://seniorlifepa.com/contact )!


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