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10 Words of Wisdom from Seniors

10 Words of Wisdom from Seniors

A porch swing – A kitchen table – A sofa. Seniors have a way of making the most mundane places become libraries of knowledge and life experience. They’re living examples of a life well lived. A living treasure trove of advice and, if we’re lucky, they share some of that knowledge with us.

That wisdom is something we carry with us for the rest of our lives. Something about their patient ways and gentle delivery of the advice make it palatable and memorable. Here are 10 words of wisdom we’ve learned from the seniors in our lives.

A Gift from Seniors – Words of Wisdom

1.    “Life is short – tell your loved ones you love them.”
It can be hard to always tell our loved ones how we feel about them. Sometimes we assume they already know. Make sure to take the time to tell those who are special to you just how much they mean. Don’t take them for granted.

2.    “Don’t be afraid of an honest day’s work.”
Hard work can be just that, “hard.” But that hard work can also give us confidence and show others just how committed we are to a cause. Show up on time and do the hard work – people will notice.

3.    “Say sorry, but only when you need to.”
When you mess up, own up to it and apologize. On the other hand – Don’t apologize for being you, doing your thing, and living your life. Be YOU!

4.    “Forgive”
This can be a really tough piece of advice to follow. But showing forgiveness to people, especially when they ask for your forgiveness, can lift the mental weight we carry around when we’re mad. Forgive and move on.

5.    “Be a friend.”
The older we get, the harder it seems to make new friends and keep them. Be a friend even to those you think might not like you. Life has a way of surprising us as to who becomes our friends.

6.    “Things have a way of working out”
We all get caught up in the drama of life. It’s easy to not be able to see past the current crisis. But most of the time, things have a way of working out.

7.    “Water can assuage many things.”
Water has a way of lessening intense feelings. Take a bath. Swim in the pool. Dance in the rain. Even splashing cool water on your face has a way of resetting your internal compass.

8.    “Go Outside.”
If you can’t get into water, go outside. Nature and fresh air is good for the soul.

9.    “Listen to others.”
Listen to what other people have to say. You might not agree, and you might have something you want to say, but pay them the respect to listen to their point of view. You might learn something.

10.    “Eat the Brownie.”

The Senior LIFE Program – Helping Seniors Stay Home

The Senior LIFE program is built around our individual members with the goal of keeping them at home. Each person receives a care plan that is made to suit their medical needs, and this care plan changes as the member’s needs change.

Our medical and supportive services include physicians and specialists, nursing care, physical, occupational and speech therapies, personal and home care, medications, meals and nutritional counseling, eye, dental and foot care, durable medical equipment and other medically necessary services.

Senior LIFE’s caregiver support program helps family caregivers so they can receive the financial support for caring for their aging loved one. Members can choose who provides their care. Whether it be a loved one, relative or friend, they can receive the necessary financial support needed to continue caring for their aging loved one.

The LIFE Program is a Medicare and Medicaid approved long-term care program that provides complete medical care and supportive services for persons 55 years and older so that they can remain living in their home. The LIFE Program is an alternative to nursing and personal care homes.

To enroll in Senior LIFE, seniors must be 55 years or older, live in the service area, qualify for a nursing home level of care, and be able to live safely in the community. Applying is free, and there is no obligation to enroll. To learn more about the LIFE Program, or to see if it’s the right fit for you and your loved ones, contact us today!

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