A porch swing – A kitchen table – A sofa. Seniors have a way of making the most mundane places become libraries of …
The number of COVID cases in nursing homes has been frightening and has pushed a lot of families to take on compound caregiving. …
Caring for loved ones with dementia is not easy. Giving appropriate care to someone with this illness can be daunting. Some common issues …
Every November is National Caregivers Month, and it provides the perfect opportunity to focus on supporting the caregivers in our families and communities. …
Are you a family caregiver? You may not think of yourself that way, but if you spend time tending to the needs or …
Observance Highlights the Promise of LIFE to Help Seniors Live Independently at Home September is National PACE Month, celebrating the Program of All-Inclusive …
When we were kids, making friends was easy! We would play together in the morning, and be best friends by the end of …
The warmer weather, the blooming flowers, and the sounds of animals scurrying around outside remind us that a new season is upon us. …
More than 365 days have passed since we’ve hugged our aging loved ones, without fear of them contracting a deadly virus. Today there …